2025 Emergent Universe Oratorio ~ The Evolving Future

July 18th, 2025—The Definitive Concert Performance

Toward an Ecological Civilization — the Good, the True, and the Beautiful

The Emergent Universe Oratorio (EUO) is a musical, poetic composition for chorus, orchestra, and orator, of the Great Story of our vast evolving Universe. Now, in the most exciting and critical phase of its grand vision, Sam Guarnaccia, composer; Cameron Davis, visual artist; producer/co-librettist Paula Guarnaccia and project consultant John Cimino; with Albany Pro Musica (https://www.albanypromusica.org/) artistic director/conductor Jose Daniel Flores-Caraballo—are creating the definitive 90-minute concert production, to be performed at the Arthur Zankel Music Center (https://www.skidmore.edu/zankel/design.php), a rare concert venue in the NY Capital Region, that can support Emergent Universe Oratorio’s large chorus, orchestra, and intricate technological needs of its projected, animated set design.

150 select, talented youth from the Pro Musica International Choral Festival will join the professional chorus. Our July 18th performance will inaugurate Albany Pro Musica’s ‘25-‘26 Climate Crisis themed concert season, and culminate the Pro Musica Choral Festival. (https://www.albanypromusica.org/)


This opus, with the new scientific cosmology of our cosmic birth, to galaxies, stars, Earth, life, of human emergence and transformation, is everyone’s origin story. It is a response to the greatest crisis in the history of civilization. If humanity can respond as an inseparable thread in the tapestry of a living biosphere – Earth, it is also its greatest opportunity.

The Universe is a Green Dragon

Toward a ‘viable human Future’ (Thomas Berry): Phase I—With state-of-the-art audio and video capture of the concert, we will (1) – Produce a concert video recording – (2) – Enhancement of concert video with set design, interviews, site color, cosmos and nature imagery throughout.

Phase II—To create a documentary film, putting the EUO in its full existential context, namely—the astonishing story of the creativity and complexity within the “undivided wholeness” (David Bohm) of cosmic and biological evolution, together with the relentless drive toward more life, beauty, and relationship. To engage with and mutually support people and organizations longing for—and working toward the emergence of a viable and morally sustainable future.

This Oratorio…music that takes seriously both our predicament, and the emerging understanding of our place in the universe—An important event—we desperately need.” Bill McKibben, author/activist

With gratitude and awe for your gifts—Listening to the Oratorio…swept away by its beauty and power. It is what we deeply need as an Earth community.” Robin Wall Kimmerer – renowned biologist, McArthur ‘Genius Grant’ Winner, NYT bestselling author: Braiding Sweetgrass

“Not since Haydn’s ‘Creation’ oratorio have we been gifted with a comparably grand narrative of our universe story. Guarnaccia’s “Emergent Universe Oratorio” is nothing short of magnificent, an evidenced-based rendering attuned to the best science of the present decade told with rare musical, visual and poetic splendor.  Life, the cosmos, the sacred and the mysterious – you can practically taste them!” John Cimino, founder and president of Creative Leaps International and The Renaissance Center


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